


Bind real-mode Family API stub.



The name of the OS/2 program to be bound. BIND looks in the current directory unless you specify a complete path name. If you provide no extension, .EXE is assumed.


The names of one or more import libraries. Use this field if your program calls functions imported using import libraries. You can specify the file APILMR.OBJ, which provides a 64K default data segment when running in real mode.


The names of one or more libraries and object files. Use this field to supply object code needed to resolve dynamic-link calls. Separate file names with spaces.

BIND automatically searches for API.LIB and DOSCALLS.LIB/OS2.LIB. If used Vio/Mou/Kbd subsystem and/or DLL loading then DLL.LIB also linked. Depending on usage of AVS/AMS/AKS VIOSF.LIB, MOUF.LIB, KBDF.LIB searched, if used. Otherwise MOUS.LIB, VIOS.LIB, KBDS.LIB are linked.

If you want additional libraries, be sure to specify the full path name.


BIND options must appear last on the command line. You can specify options in uppercase or lowercase and use a single letter or the full option name. For example, /M, /m, /MAP, and /map are equivalent.


Displays Help


Displays Help


Generates Link Map File


Specifies Protected-Mode Functions

Suppresses Sign-On Banner


Specifies Name of Bound Program


Suppress output

Source code can be found at https://github.com/osfree-project/osfree/tree/master/tools/bind Released under osFree (MIT) licence.

2024/10/03 01:42 · prokushev · 0 Comments