Keyboard Function Calls

This section reflects the Keyboard API interface of OS/2 only.

For information regarding the keyboard IOCTL interface and keyboard monitor refer to IBM Operating System/2 Version 1.2 I/O Subsystems And Device Support Volume 1.


  1. Calls marked xPM are not supported by Presentation Manager, and must not be used by Presentation Manager applications. An error code is returned if any of these calls are issued.
  2. Calls marked xWPM are not windowable and are not supported by Presentation Manager. They can be used in OS/2 mode.
  3. Calls marked FAPI are present in the Family API.
KbdCharIn FAPI xPM This call returns a character data
record from the keyboard.
KbdClose xPM This call closes the existing logical
keyboard identified by the keyboard handle.
KbdDeRegister xWPM This call deregisters a keyboard
subsystem previously registered within a session.
KbdFlushBuffer FAPI xPM This call clears the keystroke buffer.
KbdFreeFocus xPM This call frees the
logical-to-physical keyboard bond
created by KbdGetFocus
KbdGetCp xPM This call allows a process to query the
code page being used to translate
scan codes to ASCII characters.
KbdGetFocus xPM This call binds the logical keyboard
to the physical keyboard.
KbdGetHWId xPM Returns the attached keyboard's
hardware-generated Identification value.
KbdGetStatus FAPI xPM This call gets the current state of the keyboard
KbdOpen xPM This call creates a new logical keyboard.
KbdPeek FAPI xPM This call returns any available
character data record from the keyboard
without removing it from the buffer.
KbdRegister xWPM This call registers a keyboard
subsystem within a session.
KbdSetCp xPM This call allows the process to set
the code page used to translate key
strokes received from the keyboard.
KbdSetCustXt xPM This call installs, on the specified handle,
the translate table which this
call points to. This translate table
affects only this handle.
KbdSetFgnd xPM This call raises the priority of the foreground
keyboard's thread.
KbdSetStatus FAPI xPM This call sets the characteristics
of the keyboard.
KbdStringIn FAPI xPM This call reads a character string
(character codes only)
from the keyboard.
KbdSynch xWPM This call synchronizes access from a
keyboard subsystem to the keyboard
device driver.
KbdXlate xPM This call translates scan codes with shift
states into ASCII codes.