This is part of Win16 API which allow to create versions of program from one source code to run under OS/2 and Win16. Under OS/2 program can be running under Win-OS/2 if program is Windows NE executable, and with help on Windows Libraries for OS/2, if it is OS/2 NE executable. Here is a WLO to OS/2 API mapping draft

2021/09/01 04:23 · prokushev · 0 Comments
Ordinal Name Description Status Version
001 RegOpenKey Open the specified key 3.1
002 RegCreateKey Create or open the specified key 3.1
003 RegCloseKey Close a key 3.1
004 RegDeleteKey Delete the specified key 3.1
005 RegSetValue Associate a text string with a specified key 3.1
006 RegQueryValue Retrieve the text string associated with a specified key 3.1
007 RegEnumKey Enumerate the subkeys of a specified key 3.1
008 WEP DLL Exit procedure Done 3.1
009 DragAcceptFiles Register whether a given window accepts dropped files Done 3.1
011 DragQueryFile Retrieve the number of dropped files and their filenames Done 3.1
012 DragFinish Release memory that Windows allocated for use in transferring filenames to the application Done 3.1
013 DragQueryPoint Retrieve the window coordinates of the cursor when a file is dropped Done 3.1
020 ShellExecute Open or print the specified file 3.1
021 FindExecutable Find and retrieve the executable filename that is associated with a specified filename 3.1
022 ShellAbout Show standard About dialog Done 3.1
033 AboutDlgProc About Dialog Window Procedure Done 3.1
034 ExtractIcon Retrieve the handle of an icon from a specified executable file, dynamic-link library (DLL), or icon file 3.1
036 ExtractAssociatedIcon Retrieve the handle of an icon associated with file type 3.1
037 DoEnvironmentSubst Parse input string that contains references to one or more environment variables and replaces them with their values Done 3.1
038 FindEnvironmentString Return pointer into the DOS environment Done 3.1
039 InternalExtractIcon Retrieve handles of icons from EXE, DLL or ICO files 3.1
101 DLLEntryPoint
102 RegisterShellHook Register system wide Shell Hook 3.1
103 ShellHookProc Shell Hook procedure 3.1
Group Functions
Memory Manager GlobalAlloc GlobalCompact GlobalDiscard GlobalFree GlobalLock GlobalReAlloc GlobalSize GlobalUnlock GlobalFlags LocalAlloc LocalCompact LocalDiscard LocalFree LocalLock LocalFreeze LocalMelt LocalReAlloc LocalSize LocalUnlock LocalHandleDelta LockData UnlockData LocalFlags
Task Scheduler GetCurrentTask Yield SetPriority
Resource Manager AddFontResource RemoveFontResource LoadBitmap LoadCursor LoadIcon LoadMenu LoadString LoadAccelerators FindResource LoadResource AllocResource LockResource FreeResource AccessResource SizeofResource SetResourceHandler
String Translation AnsiUpper AnsiLower AnsiNext AnsiPrev
Atom Manager InitAtomTable AddAtom DeleteAtom FindAtom GetAtomName
Windows Initialization File GetProfileInt GetProfileString WriteProfileString
Debugging FatalExit
File I/O OpenFile GetTempFileName GetTempDrive
Registry RegOpenKey RegCreateKey RegCloseKey RegDeleteKey RegSetValue RegQueryValue RegEnumKey
2022/11/17 15:22 · prokushev · 0 Comments