Table of Contents

OS2Server Guide and Reference


Goal of OS2Server server is a provide OS/2 Personality on top of L4 microkernel. OS2Server is isolation layer of OS/2 application from another personalities and L4 microkernel itself.

How it organized

OS2Server consist of:

OS2Server uses file provider interface to load config.sys and parses it. While parsing is in progress server loop active already because parsing work in separate thread. Parser thread also starts all RUN and CALL applications pointed in CONFIG.SYS and last task it executes is a PROTSHELL task. CONFIG.SYS stataments processed in folowing way:

  1. Skip all BASEDEV stataments
  2. Skip all DEVICE stataments
  3. Skip all IFS stataments
  4. Generate environment according SET stataments
  5. Execute all applications pointed by CALL statament
  6. Execute all applications pointed by RUN statament
  7. Execute application pointed by PROTSHELL statament


OS2Server and OS/2 Personality environment configured via text config file named CONFIG.SYS. CONFIG.SYS mostly same as in original OS/2 except some osFree specific things. As example, IFS, BASEDEV and DEVICE statament are ignored because all drivers works in Neutral Personality. Also, additional stataments are supported, like DRIVEMAPPING statament which maps drive letters to Neutral Personality Virtual File System (L4VFS). Here is list of all CONFIG.SYS stataments and variables (most of them not supported yet if no any description of statament here):

In addition to CONFIG.SYS file OS2Server supports some set of command line arguments:


interface os2server

os2server execution via l4vfs

	title = os2server demo (l4vfs)
	kernel = $(ROOT)/bootstrap -serial
	modaddr 0x02000000
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/fiasco -nowait -nokdb -serial -jdb_never_stop -tbuf_entries=32768 -jdb_cmd=JH
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/sigma0
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/roottask \
	task modname "l4io" boot_priority 0xC0 \
	task modname "sigma0" boot_priority 0xA0 \
	task modname "roottask" boot_priority 0xA0 \
	task modname "log" boot_priority 0xC0 \
	task modname "simple_file_server" attached 8 modules
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/names
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/log
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/dm_phys
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/simple_ts -t 300
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/rtc
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/l4io --noirq
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/name_server -p
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/simple_file_server -v 12
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/
	module = $(CFG)/os2-l4vfs.cfg os2-l4vfs.cfg
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/con_demo1 con_demo1
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/con_demo2 con_demo2
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/con_demo3 con_demo3
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/os2server os2server
	module = $(CFG)/config.sys config.sys
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/VioWrtTTY_test VioWrtTTY_test
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/fstab -v 12 -b / -m /sfs
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/fprov_proxy
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/l4con --l4io
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/l4exec
	module = $(ROOT)/$(ABI)/loader --fprov=fprov_proxy_fs /sfs/os2-l4vfs.cfg
	vbeset 0x111

	# cfg_os2
	verbose 0
	modpath "/sfs"
	sleep 0
	task "con_demo1" ""
	priority 0xA0
	task "con_demo2" ""
	priority 0xA0
	task "con_demo3" ""
	priority 0xA0
	task "os2server" "--server fprov_proxy_fs --name /sfs/config.sys"
	priority 0xA0
