This is part of Family API which allow to create dual-os version of program runs under OS/2 and DOS
Note: This is legacy API call. It is recommended to use 32-bit equivalent
This call is issued by the application when it no longer requires the temporary screen obtained through a previous VioPopUp call.
VioEndPopUp (VioHandle)
rc (USHORT) - return:Return code descriptions are:
When the application issues a VioEndPopUp call, all video calls are directed to the application's normal video buffer.
An error is returned if issued with a non-zero handle.
#define INCL_VIO USHORT rc = VioEndPopUp(VioHandle); HVIO VioHandle; /* Vio device handle */ USHORT rc; /* return code */
EXTRN VioEndPopUp:FAR INCL_VIO EQU 1 PUSH WORD VioHandle ;Vio device handle CALL VioEndPopUp Returns WORD