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This is part of Family API which allow to create dual-os version of program runs under OS/2 and DOS

Note: This is legacy API call. It is recommended to use 32-bit equivalent

2021/09/17 04:47 · prokushev · 0 Comments
2021/08/20 03:18 · prokushev · 0 Comments


This call allows a program to request that another program execute as a child process.


DosExecPgm (ObjNameBuf, ObjNameBufL, ExecFlags, ArgPointer, EnvPointer, ReturnCodes, PgmPointer)


Some memory is consumed for uncollected result codes. Issue DosCWait to release this memory. If result codes are not collected, then ExecFlags=0 or 1 should be used.

variable=value The last ASCIIZ environment string must be followed by an additional byte of zeros.

A value of 0 for the address of EnvPointer results in the new process inheriting the environment of its parent process.

When the new process is given control, it receives:

A coded example of this follows:

eo:   ASCIIZ string 1  ; environment string 1
      ASCIIZ string 2  ; environment string 2
      ASCIIZ string n  ; environment string n
      Byte of 0
po:   ASCIIZ           ; string of filename
                       ; of program to run.
ao:   ASCIIZ           ; argument string 1
      ASCIIZ           ; argument string 2
      Byte of 0

The beginning of the environment segment is “eo” and “ao” is the offset of the first argument string in that segment. Register BX contains “ao” on entry to the target program. The address to the environment segment can also be obtained by issuing DosGetInfoSeg.

If the string appears to be a fully qualified path (it contains a “:” in the second position - or it contains a “\” - or both), then the file name must include the extension .COM or .EXE, and the program is loaded from the indicated drive:directory. If the string is not a fully qualified path, the current directory is searched. If the file name is not found in the current directory, each drive:directory specification in the PATH defined in the current process' environment is searched for this file.

Return Code

rc (USHORT) - return

Return code descriptions are:


The target program is located and loaded into storage if necessary. A process is created and executed for the target program. The new process is created with an address space separate from its parent; that is, a new Local Descriptor Table (LDT) is built for the process.

The execution of a child process can be synchronous or asynchronous to the execution of its parent process. If synchronous execution is indicated, the requesting thread waits pending completion of the child process. Other threads in the requesting process may continue to run.

If asynchronous execution is indicated, DosExecPgm returns with the process ID of the started child process. Specifying ExecFlags=2 allows the parent process to issue a DosCWait request after the DosExecPgm request, so it can examine the result code returned when the child process terminates. If ExecFlags=1 is specified, the result code of the asynchronous child process is not returned to the parent process.

A child process inherits file handles obtained by its parent with DosOpen calls that indicated inheritance . The child process also inherits handles to pipes created by the parent process with DosMakePipe.

Because a child process has the ability to inherit handles and a parent process controls the meanings of handles for standard I/O, the parent can duplicate inherited handles as handles for standard I/O. This permits the parent process and the child process to coordinate I/O to a pipe or a file.

For example, a parent process can create two pipes with DosMakePipe requests. It can issue DosDupHandle to redefine the read handle of one pipe as standard input (0000H), and the write handle of the other pipe as standard output (0001H). The child process uses the standard I/O handles, and the parent process uses the remaining read and write pipe handles. Thus, the child process reads what the parent writes to one pipe, and the parent process reads what the child writes to the other pipe.

When an inherited file handle is duplicated, the position of the file pointer is always the same for both handles, regardless of which handle repositions the file pointer.

An asynchronous process started with ExecFlags=3 or ExecFlags=6 is provided a trace flag facility. This facility and the Ptrace buffer provided by DosPtrace enable a debugger to perform breakpoint debugging. DosStartSession provides additional debugging capabilities that allow a debugger to trace all processes associated with an application running in a child session, regardless of whether the process is started with a DosExecPgm or a DosStartSession request.

A detached process is treated as an orphan of the parent process and executes in the background. Thus, it cannot make any VIO, KBD, or MOU calls, except within a video pop-up requested by VioPopUp. To test whether a program is running detached, use the following method. Issue a video call, (for example, VioGetAnsi). If the call is not issued within a video pop-up and the process is detached, the video call returns error code ERROR_VIO_DETACHED.

Note: If the target program's entry point is in a segment that has IOPL indicated, this causes a general protection fault and the process is terminated. If any dynamic link module being used by the new process has an initialization routine specified in a segment that has IOPL indicated, general protection fault occurs and the process is terminated.

Family API Considerations

Some options operate differently in DOS mode than in OS/2 mode. Therefore, the following restrictions apply to DosExecPgm when coding in DOS mode:

The second word contains the ResultCode specified by the terminating process on its DosExit call (or INT 21H AH=4CH call).

Application Type Considerations

You may use DosExecPgm to start a process that is of the same type as the starting process. Process types include Presentation Manager, text-windowed, and full-screen. You may not use DosExecPgm to start a process that is of a different type than the starting process.

You must use DosStartSession to start a new process from a process that is of a different type. For example, use DosStartSession to start a Presentation Manager process from a non-Presentation Manager process.



  typedef struct _RESULTCODES {  /* resc */
    USHORT codeTerminate;        /* Termination Code -or- Process ID */
    USHORT codeResult;           /* Exit Code */
  USHORT  rc = DosExecPgm(ObjNameBuf, ObjNameBufL, ExecFlags, ArgPointer,
                               EnvPointer, ReturnCodes, PgmPointer);
  PCHAR        ObjNameBuf;    /* Address of object name buffer (returned) */
  SHORT        ObjNameBufL;   /* Length of object name buffer */
  USHORT       ExecFlags;     /* Execute asynchronously/trace */
  PSZ          ArgPointer;    /* Address of argument string */
  PSZ          EnvPointer;    /* Address of environment string */
  PRESULTCODES ReturnCodes;   /* Address of termination codes (returned) */
  PSZ          PgmPointer;    /* Address of program file name */
  USHORT       rc;            /* return code */


  resc_codeTerminate dw  ? ;Termination Code -or- Process ID
  resc_codeResult    dw  ? ;Exit Code
  EXTRN  DosExecPgm:FAR
  PUSH@  OTHER   ObjNameBuf    ;Object name buffer (returned)
  PUSH   WORD    ObjNameBufL   ;Length of object name buffer
  PUSH   WORD    ExecFlags     ;Execute asynchronously/trace
  PUSH@  ASCIIZ  ArgPointer    ;Address of argument string
  PUSH@  ASCIIZ  EnvPointer    ;Address of environment string
  PUSH@  DWORD   ReturnCodes   ;Termination codes (returned)
  PUSH@  ASCIIZ  PgmPointer    ;Program file path name string
  CALL   DosExecPgm

Returns WORD

Example Code

This example starts up the program simple.exe and then waits for it to finish. Then the termination and return codes are printed.

   #define START_PROGRAM "simple.exe"
   CHAR        LoadError[100];
   PSZ         Args;
   PSZ         Envs;
   RESULTCODES ReturnCodes;
   USHORT      rc;
     if(!DosExecPgm(LoadError,           /* Object name buffer */
                    sizeof(LoadError),   /* Length of object name buffer */
                    EXEC_SYNC,           /* Asynchronous/Trace flags */
                    Args,                /* Argument string */
                    Envs,                /* Environment string */
                    &ReturnCodes,        /* Termination codes */
                    START_PROGRAM))      /* Program file name */
        printf("Termination Code %d  Return Code %d \n",
-- simple.exe --
  #define RETURN_CODE 0
    DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS,       /* End thread/process */
            RETURN_CODE);       /* Result code */

The following example demonstrates how to create a process, obtain process ID information, and kill a process. Process1 invokes process2 to run asynchronously. It obtains and prints some PID information, and then kills process2.

  /* ---- process1.c ---- */
  #include <os2.h>
  #define START_PROGRAM "process2.exe"   /* Program pointer */
   CHAR          ObjFail [50];       /* Object name buffer */
   RESULTCODES   ReturnCodes;        /* */
   PIDINFO       PidInfo;
   PID           ParentID;           /* */
   USHORT        rc;
   printf("Process1 now running. \n");
   /** Start a child process. **/
   if(!(DosExecPgm(ObjFail,          /* Object name buffer */
                   sizeof(ObjFail),  /* Length of obj. name buffer */
                   EXEC_ASYNC,       /* Execution flag - asynchronous */
                   NULL,             /* No args. to pass to process2*/
                   NULL,             /* Process2 inherits process1's environment */
                   &ReturnCodes,     /* Ptr. to resultcodes struct. */
                   START_PROGRAM)))  /* Name of program file */
     printf("Process2 started. \n");
   /** Obtain Process ID information and print it **/
   if(!(rc=DosGetPID(&PidInfo)))       /* Process ID's (returned) */
     printf("DosGetPID: current process ID is %d; thread ID is %d; parent process ID is %d.\n",
   , PidInfo.tid, PidInfo.pidParent);
            ReturnCodes.codeTerminate, /* Process whose parent is wanted */
            &ParentID)))               /* Address to put parent's PID */
     printf("Child process ID is %d; Parent process ID is %d.\n",
             ReturnCodes.codeTerminate, ParentID);
   /** Terminate process2 **/
   if(!(rc=DosKillProcess(DKP_PROCESSTREE,     /* Action code - kill process and descendants */
                 ReturnCodes.codeTerminate)))  /* PID of root of process tree */
     printf("Process2 terminated by process1.\n");
  /* ---- process2.c ---- */
  #include <os2.h>
  #define SLEEPTIME   500L
  #define RETURN_CODE 0
   printf("Process2 now running.\n");
   /* Sleep to allow process1 to kill it */
   DosSleep(SLEEPTIME);                /* Sleep interval */
   DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS,               /* Action Code */
           RETURN_CODE);               /* Result Code */


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