==== MouSetScaleFact ====
**Bindings**: [[setscalefact#C bindings|C]], [[setscalefact#MASM bindings|MASM]]
This call assigns to the current mouse device driver a new pair of 1-word scaling factors.
//MouSetScaleFact// (ScaleStruct, DeviceHandle)
//ScaleStruct// (**PSCALEFACT**) - input
Address of the control block structure that contains the current row and column coordinate scaling factors. The scaling factors must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to (32K - 1).
//rowscale// (**USHORT**)
Row scaling factor.
//colscale// (**USHORT**)
Column scaling factor.
**DeviceHandle** (**HMOU**) - input
Handle of the mouse device from a previous MouOpen.
//rc// (**USHORT**) - return
Return code descriptions are:
|0 |NO_ERROR |
[[en:ibm:prcp:mou:setscalefact|MouSetScaleFact]] sets the mickey-to-pixel ratio for mouse motion. The row scale and column scale ratios specify a number of mickeys for each 8 pixels. The default value for the row scale is 16 mickeys for each 8 pixels. The default value for the column scale is 8 mickeys to 8 pixels.
The number of pixels moved does not have to correspond 1-to-1 with the number of mickeys the mouse moves. The scaling factor defines a sensitivity for the mouse that is a ratio of the number of mickeys required to move the cursor 8 pixels on the screen. The sensitivity determines at what rate the cursor moves on the screen.
=== C bindings ===
typedef struct _SCALEFACT { /* mousc */
USHORT rowScale; /* row scaling factor */
USHORT colScale; /* column coordinate scaling factor */
#define INCL_MOU
USHORT rc = MouSetScaleFact(ScaleStruct, DeviceHandle);
PSCALEFACT ScaleStruct; /* 2-word structure */
HMOU DeviceHandle; /* Mouse device handle */
USHORT rc; /* return code */
=== MASM bindings ===
mousc_rowScale dw ? ;row scaling factor
mousc_colScale dw ? ;column coordinate scaling factor
EXTRN MouSetScaleFact:FAR
PUSH@ OTHER ScaleStruct ;2-word structure
PUSH WORD DeviceHandle ;Mouse device handle
CALL MouSetScaleFact
Returns WORD