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Note: This API call is for DOS and Win16 personality only. Use Family API for portability.

2018/09/07 05:04 · prokushev · 0 Comments

Int 21H, AH=65H, AL=05H


3.3 and higher


get pointer to filename terminator table

Family API


AH = 6505h
BX = code page (FFFFh=global code page) (see #01757)
DX = country ID (FFFFh=current country)
ES:DI -> country information buffer (see #01750)
CX = size of buffer (>= 5)


 CF set on error
AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h)
CF clear if successful
CX = size of country information returned
ES:DI -> country information (see #01750)



AL=05h appears to return same info for all countries and codepages; it has been documented for DOS 5+, but was undocumented in earlier versions. NLSFUNC must be installed to get info for countries other than the default.

See also

AH=38h - AH=70h - INT 2F/AX=1401h - INT 2F/AX=14FEh


Text based on Ralf Brown Interrupt List Release 61

2018/09/04 17:23 · prokushev · 0 Comments